Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 3: GIS Cartography

For Week 3: GIS Cartography, three maps of Mexico are exhibited. The first map is a chloropleth map distinguishing population numbers for each state. A green scale was chosen with the pale shade characterizing less populated states and the darker shade charactering the more populated states.

The second map focuses on the central-southern states of Mexico. In this map, various features are presented: railroads, roadways, rivers. The urban areas are denoted in a dark red (polygon). The urban areas are labelled for added detail.

The third map is a raster dataset characterizing elevation patterns throughout the country. A color scheme (tan/brown to dark green) was selected to distinguish the tropical lowlands from the more arid high-elevation plateau.

This lab exercise was very helpful and it led me through a variety of steps with which I am becoming more conversant. :)


  1. Nice maps, I'm looking forward to making these in class. Btw, I posted the picture of you.

  2. Hey Garret,
    Check my profile picture on fb! Thanks! Wow, you saw these just about the time I posted them...get ready to roll... :)

  3. I goofed...the raster map was supposed to be for the entire country. argh.
