Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 4: Map Projections

The three maps presented in this figure represent practice with selection of map projection types. Because the maps themselves would not effectively show the distinctions between these map projection types at this view magnification, the land surface area parameter was calculated for four selected counties (Escambia, Alachua - Home of the Fightin' Florida Gators AND Home of the Big Biscuit at Skeeters Family Restaurant, Miami-Dade, and Polk - best known for its recurring role on Forensic Files and COPS)(see Table insert in figure). It appears that the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection results in calculated county surface areas that differ more markedly from those calculated from the other projections. This assignment required the use of previously studied ArcView functions while challenging us with layout design considerations. Gooooooo Gators!

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