Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 9: Vector Analysis II

This was a great lab! I learned many new functions in the Toolbox and got a chance to cover "old ground" as well. I used Adobe Illustrator to put some finishing touches on my map. Regarding the two questions in the assignment: Q1: I used the Intersect tool in place of the Union tool. I didn't notice a difference in the appearance of the shapefile layer, but the attribute table didn't have the same number of records. Q2: I used the Erase tool to eliminate the Conservation Area portions from the possible camping sites in the overlay of the water and road buffers. This could have also been accomplished using the Union tool in the same manner that was used to create the buffers_union_export layer...we also determined a textstring that could be used in Select by Attributes that can accomplish this as well. Much like so many modern software packages, clearly one can get similar (if not identically the same) results using a variety of approaches. The last three lab assignments in this class have been fantastic! ...and I learned alot from each of them.

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